Meet the board: Eric, Cathy, Natalie, Gretchen, & MEGan
Beacon is governed by a board comprised of 5 community members, also known as a "session." Session members serve terms of various lengths and bring unique gifts and skills to the leadership of Beacon. Our president is Cathy Ryley Hornung, board member of the Leprechaun’s Sports Club, mother of 3, and marshal of hospitality at Beacon. Our treasurer is Natalie Short, who comes to us from the financial literacy non-profit sector. Our clerk is Megan Acedo. Megan is trained in ministry and social work, currently serving as Coordinator of Faith and Service at Eastern University, and permanently serving as mother to Naomi, and wife to Daniel Moorhead. R. Eric Thomas is a writer and storyteller (you might see his work on Elle.com or in theaters across the country), husband to David Norse, and is Beacon’s resident storytelling coach. Gretchen Brown is both board member and "board mother," caring for Beacon since before the rest of us were here, with years of experience in public education, she is both a community leader and a faithful volunteer in our children’s programs.