January 2015 at Beacon!
Thursday Nights at Beacon: Bible Study & Story Dinners
We are excited to announce a new way to plug in and connect at Beacon: Story Dinners and Bible Study. Join us on Thursday evenings starting on January 29th at 6:30pm.

Bible Study: Thursdays, 6:30-7:30pm.
On Thursday evenings, we will get together in the sanctuary for an open, informal conversation that centers around the Scripture that will be wrestled with on the upcoming Sunday. Desserts will be available for snacking, and parents’ kiddos are welcome to hang out in the kids zone and color while grown ups chat around a table under the lights. As always, all are welcome, absolutely no Bible knowledge needed.
Story Dinners: The first Thursday of every month, from 6:30-7:30pm
We'll be hosting a story dinner, where people are invited to share a specific story around a certain theme, and listen to the stories of others, over a simple dinner of soup and salad. Feel free to come and just listen, but know that there will be time for at least 8-10 people to share something. The first Story Dinner will be on February 5th at 6:30pm.
If you are interested in bringing a snack, soup, salad, or sharing a story, sign up on a clipboard in the sanctuary, or call/email us at 267 702 0804 orthewordatbeacon@gmail.com. See you on Thursday!
Stories from the Studio… One of our story prompts from last month centered around holiday and family traditions. Here Savannah Gehan, age 9 and pictured below with Co-Director Karen, writes about her most treasured tradition: time with family and fruit salad (an obvious essential to any fantastic party).

“The tradition that means the most to me is going to the Christmas Eve party at my grandmoms. I get to see my family. We always eat fruit salad.”
What Parents Need to Know: Studio Schedule: Mondays 4-6pm: Drop In Studio (youth 11+) Tuesdays 4-6pm: Story Studio (children 5+) Wednesdays 4-6pm: Art Studio (children 5+) The Studio will be closed Monday 1/19. Don’t forget: all our programs follow the Philadelphia public school system in terms of closings, and are free, secular (non-religious), open to all, and include a healthy snack. Interested in volunteering, donating materials or have other questions? Call 267 702 0804.

Worship at Beacon
Every Sunday at 5pm; Dinner after worship on the 1st Sunday of the month. All (ages, backgrounds, people!) are welcome to our open worship service as we try our best to live out our faith in a warm community. We hope to see you soon! Save these dates for upcoming dinners: January 4th, February 1st, and March 1st.
Connect with us on Social Media: Beacon is committed to sharing stories—in programming, in worship, and also on the internet. We do our best to share the stories of the life and work of Beacon through pictures and words on facebook and twitter, so that folks in the broader community can celebrate with us as we grow. If you use social media, we invite you to connect with us, and share our stories with your network, on Facebook: facebook.com/thewordatbeacon and on Twitter: @thewordatbeacon.
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