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Planting, praying, & hoping

Writer's picture: BeaconBeacon

Living a life of faith is a lot like planting seeds. Perhaps that’s why it’s such a common metaphor used by Jesus. We get into the dirt, into the mess, & plant a seed. We have faith that the seed has the potential to grow into something beautiful & purposeful. We have faith that with nurturing, with water, sunlight, & attention the seed will shift, transform. Paul talks about how we get to plant, to tend, but it is God alone who is responsible for the growth.

This is a strange time, where every day feels long & odd & we lose track of what day or time it is. We are being invited, perhaps more intensely than ever before, to live & breathe faith. We are invited to have faith that hope is indeed resilient & the thing that gets us through the day, no matter how foolish that seems. We are invited to have faith that God is with us, even now, nurturing, tending, growing new life, growing those fruit of the spirit that sustain us & others so well.

Today I planted seeds for Beacon’s garden beds. Perhaps it was foolish as most likely we will not be “back to normal” in 8 weeks. But I needed to do something foolishly hopeful. I needed to step away from the screens & feel the sunshine & the breeze. What seeds, literal or figurative, are you planting right now? Which fruit of the spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control) do you need the most right now? Let’s pray for God to show up with what we need, when we need it. God is faithful to provide. God is faithful—full of faith—& gives us faith & hope when ours have run out. Praying with you & for you with much love.

-Pastor Becca

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