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current task-oriented needs:

  • Mow the lawn

  • newsletter prep

  • Someone to greet folks on Sundays and during other events

  • updating the beacon calendar 

  • 1 hour, bi-weekly, Data-entry


Volunteering at Beacon


There are several ways to get involved in the life and work of Beacon: groups of volunteers for special work days, individuals or groups of volunteers for our in-school  programs, and specific volunteer roles and tasks. We welcome volunteers of ages 16+ for any of those opportunities. All volunteers  must complete criminal background and child abuse clearance forms.


If you are interested in volunteering with our in-school programs, helping Beacon with a specific task, or bringing your group for a work day, please fill out the below form, and we'll be in touch soon!


If you are interested in a more specific role click on the links below for more information and application instructions:

Volunteer Office Manager

Volunteer Building Manager

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